A candidate may request an icai reevaluation of his answer sheets if he is dissatisfied with the marks that were given to him in the CPT, IPCC, or CA Final Results. Additionally, with effect from the November 2011 attempt onwards, the option of disclosing and inspecting the ca exam answer sheet has been expanded for the benefit of the Students in the event that a candidate considers that his Answer Sheet should also be disclosed.

CA Exams Results were just declared however if you are not satisfied with your marks you can go for revaluation of your CA Marks and can also get icai certified copies of the answers sheets. Although applying for revaluation you must know a few things. Verification of marks includes:

  • Whether you answer book compilation is complete
  • Whether all the questions were checked and marked
  • If there is any totaling error
  • If there is any discrepancy between the marks for each question


Within a month of the results being announced, a candidate can apply for verification and icai revaluation, either physically in his own handwriting or online get icai-certified copies at, providing particular details of the following, as well as the required fees:

  • Student Name
  • Student Registration No
  • Exam-Intermediate (IPC)/Final/CPT
  • Month and year of the exam 
  • Roll No
  • Paper(s)/subjects to be verified
  • Address for communication

If the candidate submits a physical application for icai revaluation, it must be written in his or her own handwriting. If the individual took the exam in Hindi, his or her application should be in Hindi as well.

Checking the Marks on the CA Answer Sheets

The following are included in the mark-verification process:

  • Whether the compilation of the answer book(s) is finished
  • If any question, or portion of a question, has gone unanswered
  • If there are any totaling mistakes in any of the questions or totals on the cover page
  • If there is a disagreement between the marks for each question and/or any portions thereof and the marks for each question listed on the answer book's cover page,
  • Whether the candidate's handwriting is consistent throughout all of the answer books

Applications that are typewritten will not be considered.

There is no such thing as a standard format for such an application. The candidate must, however, sign the application in its entirety.

The physical application for verification along with the fees should be sent so as to reach us within a period of one month from the date of the declaration of results, at the following address, by Speed Post or Registered Post:

The Deputy Secretary (Exams)

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

ICAI Bhawan

Indraprastha Marg

New Delhi 110 002

Do not send your application by courier/ordinary post. Please superscribe the envelope with the name of the exam, i.e. Final or Intermediate (IPC) as the case may be.

In case you are submitting a handwritten application form for verification, it has to be accompanied by a demand towards the verification fees. The demand draft should be drawn in favor of “The Secretary, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India” payable at New Delhi and sent along with the application for verification.

In case you are submitting an online application of icai-certified copies for verification, you can pay the verification fee online by using either a debit/credit card, or through the payment gateway.

How to apply for revaluation through RTI?

As you are aware, a student must apply online for Inspection/Certified copies of answer books within 30 days of the date of declaration of the relevant examination result, along with a fee of Rs. 500/- per paper, and certified copies of your answer books will be provided within 30 days of the date of receipt of your application, as per the ICAI procedure.

The aforesaid ICAI approach is costly, and a student must pay Rs. 500 each paper for inspection and certified copies.

For example, if a CA Final student wants certified copies of all eight courses, he will have to pay Rs. 4,000 (Rs. 500 per subject x eight subjects), which is higher than the Examination price of Rs. 3,300.

While making RTI applications, the payment of RTI Fees of Rs. 10/- needs to be made and the same is waived off for applicants falling below the poverty line by producing proof of BPL Category. 

Procedure to obtain Certified copies or Inspection of answer books under the RTI:

A candidate can make an online application at his doorstep without visiting any office, though user registration is not mandatory to file an RTI application,

  • Now, click on submit request option, scroll down and click on the checkbox “I have read and understood the above guidelines.” and then click on the submit button.

    Then Online RTI Request Form screen will be displayed. This form can be used to file an online RTI application.
  • In the search, Public Authority field enter the keyword Chartered and select Institute of Chartered Accountants of India from the drop-down list and click on Ok.
  • Name, address, educational qualifications, and communication details will be auto-filled and you can change the same if required.
  • In the field “Is the Applicant Below Poverty Line?”
  • Select the option Yes, if you belong to Below Poverty Line BPL category and holds valid proof for the same as Food security Card, ration card etc.,
    No application fee is required to be paid by such citizens as per RTI Rules,2012
  • Enter BPL card number, year of issue, issuing authority in the next field.
  • Select the option No, if you do not fall under the BPL category or does not hold valid proof for the same. Such candidates are required to be paid application fee of Rs.10/- online.
  • Now in the filed “Text for RTI Request application”, provide details and request for certified copies
  • Now, upload your merged pdf copy of BPL Card (if applicable) and Hall Ticket by clicking the supporting document and
    • click on submit button (if BPL category)
    • Make payment button (Others) to make the payment of Rs. 10/- towards application fee by using Internet banking, credit or debit card and click on the submit button, after making the payment.
  • On submission of the application, a unique registration number would be issued, which may be referred by the applicant for any references in future. The applicant will get an email and SMS alert on submission of the application.

Results of the CA Revaluation are announced

The precisely planned exercise that is the verification process typically takes 6 to 8 weeks, however it can sometimes take longer.

The results of the icai exam revaluation result verification process are posted online by ICAI, and the candidate in question is also issued a written message at the address provided in their application. A revised mark sheet is also provided to the candidate in the event that the marks are amended. The Results of the ICAI Verification/Revaluation of Marks icai revaluation result can be viewed by students at result ver.php.

All such candidates may submit an email to the exam department at if they have not heard from the department at the latest 20 days before the start of the next exam.

Probabilistic Outcome of the ICAI Reevaluation Result

  • Revaluation Exercise outcomes could include
  • No Marks Have Changed
  • Marking Up, Affecting the Result or an Exemption in One or More Papers
  • An increase in marks that has no bearing on the outcome or the exclusion in one or more papers
  • Lessening of Marks

Refund for examination and verification fees

The verification fee is automatically reimbursed to the candidate in the event that the marks change. There is no need to submit a separate refund claim, and the applicant's address will get a demand draught.

In the event that the CA Revaluation Result is not made public prior to the deadline for submitting the CA Exam Form, CA Students are also urged to submit applications for the upcoming exams. Additionally, if the revaluation process is successful and the student is judged to have passed, the CA student's examination fees will also be reimbursed.

The verification procedure is a carefully planned exercise, therefore it takes time—up to roughly 6–8 weeks. Although we will make every effort to notify you of the verification results for an exam as soon as possible, we can't guarantee it because the procedures involved take time. However, all such applicants who do not hear back by the latest 15 days prior to the start of the next exam may send an email to the exam department at the address provided below.

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